Conservative Cutbacks

Well those boys in blue are putting on a show regarding their electability but beware because the reality is that where they are in power at a local level, their methodology for cutting back is pretty indiscriminate and will affect the delivery and performance of services. It is quite funny though that they are calling themselves the New Conservatives trying to copy the New Labour PR of 1997. I am not going to be convinced by all this and although Germany has decided to finish the SDP/Christian Democrats "alliance" in their recent elections, I am almost hoping that the next general election requires a coalition of at least the three main parties of Labour, LD and possibly Conservatives to bring out the best and hopefully not the worse. Otherwise the UK may be going down the path of mediocrity with no influence or wanting to really work in Europe, the final realisation that there never was a special relationship with the US, and a gradual decline in the fortitude and belief of its people (just like the aftermath of the Coventry blitz that was on the BBC last night).


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