
Showing posts from 2009

Conservative Cutbacks

Well those boys in blue are putting on a show regarding their electability but beware because the reality is that where they are in power at a local level, their methodology for cutting back is pretty indiscriminate and will affect the delivery and performance of services. It is quite funny though that they are calling themselves the New Conservatives trying to copy the New Labour PR of 1997. I am not going to be convinced by all this and although Germany has decided to finish the SDP/Christian Democrats "alliance" in their recent elections, I am almost hoping that the next general election requires a coalition of at least the three main parties of Labour, LD and possibly Conservatives to bring out the best and hopefully not the worse. Otherwise the UK may be going down the path of mediocrity with no influence or wanting to really work in Europe, the final realisation that there never was a special relationship with the US, and a gradual decline in the fortitude and belief of

Do You Watch Television

The amount of television I am watching is going down big time. Mainly due to having to play with children and keep them entertained without resorting to children's television too much so have to get creative. Must admit that I am not missing it as long as I can watch some sport occasionally but most things are on the web now so it is becoming less and less important although more and more expensive to watch when you do with television licence fee and the costs for satellite channel viewing.

The Problem With Facebook

I really have a problem with Facebook. I am not anti a social communication community and a way of maintaining a book of things important or otherwise online, if you wish, but what really gets me is that some people seem to do only Facebook stuff and I get dumped with their thoughts and come and join me requests. Some are okay as they are intellectually a little challenging but some of it is downright trash. Just wished I could block this, even if it means warning these "friends" that this behaviour is not appropriate for me and that I can de-friend if ncessary. Well the only way to do this is to block them and yes that is a little cruel but unfortunately that seems to be the only way so I have had to do it. Do not know if the person I have blocked receives a message of their fate but if they have well they may have got the reason why.

2009 European Elections

The elections for the European Parliament are coming up and all the political parties are starting to campaign. Given the current economic situation in the UK and the so called scandals that affect all the major parties are those who are even going to vote going to vote for a party that is relatively untarnished by recent events. The percentage who vote will define our current level of support or scepticism for Europe whilst who gets in may be a precursor to next year's general election or just a shot in the arm.

The UK Recession When Will It Turn

Can you tell that there is a recession because when you travel to work there seems to be less cars on the road. So is it worse than it is being reported or have companies cut costs by extending employees working time by pursuing working from home policies. However, are we also in another chicken and egg problem that is this recession in that consumers generate demand for goods and services from their incomes. The public sector, through "New Deals" have therefore had to be undertaken in order to encourage consumption to continue. What the deal will turn out to be beyond the financial incentives including QE as a method because infrastructure projects are not on the agenda anymore is unknown but then is this recession going any deeper than it currently is or is it going to be exploited to obtain funds and competitive reliefs such as bank consolidations. The recent budget is probably an attempt to get those who have caused the situation due to poor decision making to pay for it.