Why Gary Speed A Reflective Thought

It has now been a week almost since Gary Speed took his own life and the inquest is ongoing. It is very likely that if a note had been left that certain parts that might give rise to a painful response for one or more persons will be left out. Given the speculation that there has been either publicly on the internet or privately in wondering why then I suspect that this will remain except for the few who will know or unless somebody (most likely the police service) leaks the contents of the note in full to the media - I am assuming a note was left because there were no suspicious circumstances.

So why did he take his own life. Alot of people think that this is the easy way out but I would argue that it is the reverse. It may be easier to go on through what normality that could follow but that taking one own's life could be a one off painful event that at least would not give rise to a longer period of painful existance for all members of the family at least. So what would have driven him to do this. Whatever it was, it must have been about an acute pain or loss that he was suffering. Speculation that it could have been of a sexual nature is probably not what it was, but cannot be totally ruled out, but people have not considered other things.

Alot has been said of his upbeat nature in recent days, and how he could see progress with his position as manager of the Wales national football squad. With hindsight I am not so sure, especially regarding the BBC Wales interview with him around the games setting for the next World Cup group that was held in Brussels. I feel that there was an issue between him and the previous manager Mr John Toshack, as his comments about him seemed more acerbic rather than jokey. Maybe he did not expect this but expecting the unexpected is something you have to try to plan for at least and I felt that he had not. But then could the reality of his decision be more personal. There has been no consideration as to whether he or another member of his family had a terminal health issue. I have seen with a former colleague of mine that where a child was diagnosed with a disease that will inevitably lead to a premature death, that one parent was unable to live with that child. In this case the child was rejected by the one parent. Alternatively, and even at the age of 42 it must be considered, but may be he had recently had a medical check up himself and found that he had a disease, a terminal one such as cancer, and certain cancers in men are lacking in research to provide medicines and therefore, perhaps he knew of the pain that he would shortly encounter and decided that he and his family should not go through that pain, given that it could last a number of months at least.

We will probably never know the absolute truth, but for a person to be so clinically depressed by some form of knowledge that he takes is life is not an easy matter and he probably thought long and hard about it. It is probably something alot of men and women think of during their lives witht he incredible feelings and stresses that we encounter. The only difference is that his led him to undertake something that many could not consider beyond a cirsory thought.

RIP Gary Speed.


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