Action or Inaction That Is the Question With Foreign Intervention In Libya

What is Libya, what is she, to paraphase a song
Who Is Sylvia, What is She
but the events of the last couple of days implies one thing for definite, a lack of a publiscised plan of action, whatever that might be, with regards to the government/autocracy/dictatorship and opposition in the State of Libya.

It is just too quiet. We see that the "Empire Strikes Back"
if that is what we define the regime, but the empire could still overrun a lightly armed opposition just because it has the armaments capable of inflicting such severe damage, by way of air strikes and high velocity and long range armaments including missiles.

The question that I am asking is what does the outside world define this episode in the history of Libya. Does the opposition have viability or whatever that has entailed that it has been recognised by France or was this done prematurely. Or does this prove nothing.

In other words, is this Kosovo and Bosnia, or even Iraq, or on the contrary is this Zimbabwe, Burma/Myammar. It has been proven that sanctions really affect the poor and general population of these countries so what is the strategy here. Does Charvez have any credibility (has he been painted blacker than he really is) or is negotiation with what seems to be a mentally unstable autocratic family totally out of the question and that the acceptable end position is therefore not going to be possible. Otherwise is Libya going to be another genocide on the scale of Kosovo and the regrets it made in the minds of certain politicians of the time. The UN will not mandate because of the "national interests" of the various blocks and that is the problem. We cannot impose what we see as being the "right" way because it is in our beliefs system, but on the other hand do we all have the right to turn our eyes away from it as well.


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