The Legacy of Nelson Mandela

Others more qualified than I can write reams about the life of Nelson Mandela, about the intricacies of his life, and about his political operating abilities. However, all must be taken into context with his life and how he was a well educated person, but clearly had a moral upbringing that ensured he had a political belief that he took into the life he then had and how he retained that modesty in him through the many years of being incarcerated on Robben Island, and then finally when there was a realisation on all sides that the status quo could not continue that he has wise to bring as many people along with him as possible but that his ambition was there for him to realise what was probably a personal dream of becoming the President of the Republic of South Africa. His political wisdom continued in that he set in motion a movement to create an enduring rehabilitation of the population of the country, by also improving the life chances of the black and minority peoples, in education and health, and set in motion possibly a dynasty of ANC government. This could degenerated in coming years and this could even lead to coalition governments but the regard in which Mandela is held in esteem by both white, black and coloured peoples is just the legacy that will not die. On his personal life he had ups and downs, but this can happen in partnerships of ambitious people. However, he found personal peace and he was aware that the end was coming some time ago. His death although sad, was not unexpected by the knowledgeable community around the world. RIP Nelson Mandela. Missed but not forgotten.


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