A precis of Ed Milliband

Terrific profile of @Ed_Miliband in the Guardian magazine today by Andy Beckett, who (almost literally) puts most of the Lobby to shame

This was a statement I saw on a tweet by Stefan Stern yesterday. So I looked it up on the Guardian's website. If you are at all interested in politics in the UK then look at both Stefan's tweets, I use to really enjoy reading him in the FT but that is no more, and also the appraisal made of Ed Milliband. Just like many politicians before him you really do not know the heart and soul of a person usually until he has gone. I got this when watching Brown. Most people around me use to be a little unkind about him but the fact was and is, that Brown, though imperfect was at heart a deeply commited man who was determined to undertake what he believed in but based on logic and rationality. The price he paid was that like most perfectionists around the world, toleration of those who do not show that commitment or a desire to learn and from that learning to improve would be frowned upon and that was his downfall.

I just hope that Ed does not see the same fate before at least some form of change from the chaos that the present government will give to this country is realised. I wonder what critique would David Cameron bring. We are aware that he is a follower of John Major on many things and this has been brought out in financial and foreign policy (both the policy itself and its delivery and subsequent changes) but also the inherrent effect that the loss of a child has had on him. I do not think that this shows enough breadth and that others are just waiting for him to fall in order to take over. The problem with the quote " keep your friends close but keep your enemies closer still" means that they have experience of these things and can therefore show understanding when the day arises that a challenge is made.

This also applies to the opposition and it is the extent to which they are truly united that will define whether Ed Millliband one day will become prime minister or not.


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